Wednesday, April 17, 2024

New Sport

 This year, Molly decided to try javelin for the high school track team.  Having never picked picked up a "spear" before the last week of February, she has caught on pretty quickly.  Last night she had a new PR of 30.48 meters, joined the "30 meters" club and finished 9th/47 throwers at the varsity throwers meet which earned her both a letter for track and a medal.  She is currently ranked the 5th best freshman in class 5 in the state of Missouri.

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Valentine Driver

 We had Valentine's Day off from school this year for a "Red Snow Day" for the Chiefs winning the Super Bowl.  Molly and I decided to make the most of the day and go to the highway patrol and DMV to get her permit.  She passed on her first try and had a great time practicing in both Bobby and my cars today.